Friday, May 18, 2007


Dog charities and organisations, UK and International

A brilliant, amusing, and useful website to visit is All about Dogs - don't miss it! This link takes you directly to a list of Dog Charities and Organisations both UK and International - in fact a very comprehensive list!

But, click on any of the other pages which take your fancy, and you'll find lots of doggy facts, plus amusing trivia.

Now a reminder for UK pet owners - that the PDSA PetCheck bus is touring the country in a bid to try to improve the health of the nation's pets.

Dogs are the main focus, but other popular pets are covered too. Dogs get a free health check which will cover general health - they check teeth, eyes, condition of coat, and weight.

Sadly, last year's PetCheck revealed that obesity in dogs had increased to over a fifth of the dogs checked, and dental problems had also increased dramatically.

If you want to find out further information on the PDSA PetCheck initiative see The PDSA Website

[Spread the word if you are able, it will help so many unfit pets!]

There is much interesting and useful information on the PDSA website - the shops, volunteering, fundraising, online shops - what I found most interesting is that they do a PDSA Pet Insurance, and it sounds as if it is really comprehensive. A good way to help the PDSA and your pet.

[This post, in one form or another, is appearing on all our doggy blogs today, to give it as wide an exposure as possible!]

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