Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Flyball, for Ridgebacks?

Many people ask... which dogs are best for flyball? This will depend on which height you are tackling! But, as a rule, border collies are a brilliant choice... they have the speed, and want to be always on the go. Often a small mongrel dog will perform flyball really well, and sometimes Alsations can enjoy it.

Does a Ridgeback perform flyball well? Is it worth trying to teach yours? Personally, I'd say if you really, really, want a challenge!

They will find it boring in the end, far more to a RR's taste is a nice comfy sofa! All that rushing round chasing things rather perplexes them... they seem to be asking other dogs why would you DO that? Chasing balls is for those who throw them seems to be their opinion... or put more bluntly, fetch it yourself!

A note for all potential Rhodesian Ridgeback owners...

NOTE:- there are some unscrupulous breeders out there who are trying to pass off RR's which aren't the correct colour as "rare, or correct". If you are wanting to show your RR, then it must be of show standard colour. The correct colours are from Light Wheaten to Red Wheaten. No black, or black and tan like a doberman.

Ears and nose of those dogs with dark brown eyes will be dark to black, whereas dogs with paler eyes may have liver noses and lighter ears. Some white on paws and the front of the chest is permissible.

Dogs which do not conform to these strict standards should only be sold as pets, should not be bred from, cannot be shown, and should be registered as a non-standard colour - their purchase price should reflect this.

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UK residents beware!

If you live in the UK don't miss this!

New laws are being stealthily introduced by some of your local Councils. You NEED, as a dog owner, to know about this.

Go to this Kennel Club News Item now. On the resulting page you will find details of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 - which came into force on April 6th, 2007 - amongst a raft of detail remember this item. It states that you should provide your dog with 'the ability to exhibit normal behaviour patterns'.

Dogs like to run free, that's a normal behaviour pattern!

Next we come to the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 which gives an inordinate number of powers to your local Council. Some of the laws pertaining to cleaning up after your dog are only basic common sense, and every responsible dog owner cleans up anyway... but some powers, in regard to dogs being kept on leads, appear to flout the Animal Welfare Act.

Problems could be ahead!

Find out your local Council's policy... you will find a fine selection of information and assistance on the webpage mentioned above... check it out NOW.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007


Flyball Championship news and... Make sure your pets get their chips!

The European Flyball Championships are taking place over this Bank Holiday weekend. And the weather for the south of the country isn't set to improve much according to weather forecasts - so travel by road will be miserable, with spray to contend with and limited visibility.

The North American Flyball Championships are set for later in the year. The 2nd - 4th November are the proposed dates for the 'World Cynosport Flyball Championship'.

In Australia the National Australian Flyball Championships take place from 9th - 10th June.

You will find further details of all the above events at the live links above.

Just one more thing to mention... Make sure your pets get their chips!
Obviously, it is micro-chips which I am refering to... they do help to ensure, should the worst happen and your pet gets lost, that there is that extra chance of your being speedily and happily reunited.

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Friday, May 18, 2007


Dog charities and organisations, UK and International

A brilliant, amusing, and useful website to visit is All about Dogs - don't miss it! This link takes you directly to a list of Dog Charities and Organisations both UK and International - in fact a very comprehensive list!

But, click on any of the other pages which take your fancy, and you'll find lots of doggy facts, plus amusing trivia.

Now a reminder for UK pet owners - that the PDSA PetCheck bus is touring the country in a bid to try to improve the health of the nation's pets.

Dogs are the main focus, but other popular pets are covered too. Dogs get a free health check which will cover general health - they check teeth, eyes, condition of coat, and weight.

Sadly, last year's PetCheck revealed that obesity in dogs had increased to over a fifth of the dogs checked, and dental problems had also increased dramatically.

If you want to find out further information on the PDSA PetCheck initiative see The PDSA Website

[Spread the word if you are able, it will help so many unfit pets!]

There is much interesting and useful information on the PDSA website - the shops, volunteering, fundraising, online shops - what I found most interesting is that they do a PDSA Pet Insurance, and it sounds as if it is really comprehensive. A good way to help the PDSA and your pet.

[This post, in one form or another, is appearing on all our doggy blogs today, to give it as wide an exposure as possible!]

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Thursday, May 17, 2007


Safe Herbal Remedies, all natural!

On 'Puppy Training Secrets' today I have added a blog post about herbal remedies. If you are interested, just click on the link to the blog - you'll find it in our left-hand margin!

For your convenience I've also added a link to the suppliers I mention... here, and also in this margin!

Visit PetAlive.com, by Native Remedies, for 100% Natural and Safe Herbal Remedies for Pets

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Doggy Blog Clips

Have you checked out our 'Doggy blog clips' link recently?

There hasn't been much posted on any blogs about flyball in quite a while - but there are plenty of other thought provoking posts to interest and entertain!



Saturday, May 12, 2007


Training worries?

Are you having any training worries?

Difficulties can be overcome, you just need the right trainer and the right incentive for your particular dog.

Dogs are so clever... they can be taught to help the disabled with many daily tasks like opening and closing doors, retrieving dropped and hard-to-reach items, emptying the washing machine, and turning lights on or off.

The Guide Dog Association is the one charity which most people know about... and have seen qualified dogs helping their blind owners, or seen them in the process of being trained to be a Guide Dog.

Dogs for the Deaf can alert their owners when sounds are made... door knocked, doorbell rung, telephone, and smoke alarms are just some of the sounds which they can tell their owners about!

So, don't despair
- your dog can learn all that you want it to - given the correct training and encouragement!

[Rather unlike some of the current collection of YOBs... one mentioned in our local paper has breached his ASBO for the sixth time... AND avoided a custodial sentence!]

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Friday, May 11, 2007


Pet Portraits

Have you got any sharp photographs of your pet which you would like to be made into a portrait?

On the back of our Spring/Summer 2007 copy of Rhodesian Ridgeback today [which is the official newsletter of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain] there are three delightful 'Pets in Pastel' miniature portraits by Jodi Davies.

She will do them from your favourite [must be sharp] pet photos [not just dogs] and they can come from... as small as 8 x 6, right up to A1 size.

As her blurb says - "Why not give the perfect gift, or create a beautiful memory of your loved one to treasure? ... Gift Vouchers available - A very special present."

The website can be accessed here... Pet Portraits in Pastel

As a 'by the way' her three miniature portraits on the back of our newsletter are beautiful, far more impressive than the website!

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Thursday, May 10, 2007


Safety first & Herbal Remedies

Why not... Visit PetAlive.com, by Native Remedies, for 100% Natural and Safe Herbal Remedies for Pets... for all the aches, pains, and injuries which active dogs seem to sustain?

Whilst you are at the site remember to sign up for their excellent Newsletter. The current edition has details of heatstroke, together with the usual warnings, which can never be over-stressed.

[Even if we know of the hazards of leaving our pets in a car... there will always be someone who ignores the warnings - and causes untold suffering.]

The Newsletter also has helpful articles on other summertime risks, like allergies - plus further current information on the pet food recall scares.

If you have a pet with pale or white ears remember to put sunscreen on them before allowing them out into the sun... they may think it undignified, and try to get out of it, but better safe than sorry!

Many white cats have had to have part of their ears removed because of skin cancer.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Pet and Human Food Safety Act - DeLauro/Durbin

Worries about the safety of pet foods...

Link to Newsletter

The link above, and at the bottom of this post is to the actual newsletter, from which the quoted information stems!

If you live in America AND you care about the safety of the pet food which is sold for your pets consumption - please click one of the links, and take the advised actions as soon as possible.

Why not do as the email suggests, and take Action for Pet Food Safety? Do it now, whilst you remember? There have been so many scares and alerts in the media over the past months that confidence is ebbing - and not so slowly!

Now for the quote...

"Pets are part of our families, and millions of American families were shocked by the recent pet food recalls. The deaths of pets from tainted pet food tragically demonstrate the need for greater oversight of this industry. Fortunately, Congress is listening, and you can take action here.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) introduced the Pet and Human Food Safety Act on May 1 to provide more oversight and regulation of the food industry. In a remarkable demonstration of how important this issue is, the U.S. Senate approved a Durbin amendment on pet and human food safety on May 2 -- just one day after the bill was introduced -- by a resounding vote of 94 to 0!

You can help make the food supply safer.

Make a short polite phone call to your U.S. Representative and urge support for the DeLauro/Durbin Pet and Human Food Safety Act. Click here to look up your Representative and the phone number.

Making a call is easy. A staff member will take your message and pass it to your legislator. When you call, you can say:

"Hello my name is [your name] and I'm calling from [your town and state] to urge [Representative's name] to support the DeLauro/Durbin Pet and Human Food Safety Act (H.R. 2108/S. 1274). The ongoing pet food recall has revealed that there is very little regulation of the pet food industry. We need to change this to ensure that the food consumers are feeding their pets is wholesome and safe. Thank you."

After you make your call, send a follow up email in support of safer pet food.

Tell your friends how they can help. The more people who contact Congress, the more support this legislation will receive and the better its chances of being quickly passed into law.

Here are some details on what the pet food bill will do:

Help regulate the industry by establishing mandatory processing and ingredient standards and requiring more inspections of pet food processing plants.
Create an early warning system to help identify possible contaminants earlier and penalize companies that don't report possible contamination.
Ensure that any future recalls are conducted quickly by giving the Food and Drug Administration the power to order mandatory recalls of tainted food.
As a Humane Society of the United States supporter, I know I can count on you to take action and help move this important legislation forward. Thank you for all you do on behalf of animals.

Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States

P.S. This legislation is an important first step toward a safer pet food supply. But in the meantime, be sure your pets are protected. Check our Pet Food Safety Center for the latest information on recalled pet foods.

Link to Newsletter

[You could also use one of the links in our margin, or check out previous posts in the archives, to find recipes for homemade meals and safe alternative health cures and information... you will find information on this blog... plus other and different information and resources on our other blogs at... first Puppy training Secrets, then Secrets of Dog Training, and last, but not least, Dog Agility Training.]

P.S. - *You will find this post on all our 'Doggy Blogs' today, just to give it as much publicity as possible!

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007


'Doggy Blog Clips'

Don't forget to check out 'Doggy Blog Clips'... link in left-hand margin... we update it on a daily basis!



Saturday, May 05, 2007


What we CAN achieve?

I could just copy the post which I have just made to Dog Agility Training onto this 'Flyball Dogs' blog!


It's better that I just give you the link [as above] and tell you that it's a post which gives us all HOPE!

The dogs on the UnderDog Show just had three weeks of training with professional trainers together with their novice celebrity handlers before they began their careers on the UnderDog Show... what was achieved was truly amazing.

Some of them were mere pups really, others were older, but what shone out during the show was what could be achieved by dogs which had previously experienced many bad things in their lives.

Do have a look at the post [link above] AND check out the two links at the bottom of that post.

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Friday, May 04, 2007


A 'Good News' item from the Humane Society of the US

I received an e-mail today from The Humane Society of the United States. Copied below is just the first paragraph which contains good news for all animal lovers...

"I wanted to be the first to share with you some fantastic news. Today President Bush signed the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act into law. This is the culmination of an almost six-year campaign by The Humane Society of the United States and our allies to enact meaningful federal penalties for animal fighting."

Click to visit The Humane Society of the United States website. You'll find details of their campaigns, together with much useful and educational information - a real gem for all animal lovers!

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Save Wolves... TODAY!

How to help save wolves... after all they are just big dogs!

No 'Flyball-Dogs' today, sorry... instead I'm going to give this blog over to an e-mail I received today from the Defenders org... please read the quote from their e-mail below and then click over, with the link at the bottom, to their website...

"We have just one week left to prevent the slaughter of hundreds of wolves in the Northern Rockies. Unless we stop them, federal officials could eliminate vital protections for these magnificent animals and spark the biggest wolf massacre in the lower 48 state to occur in decades.

Wolves were eliminated from this area in the last century -- trapped, poisoned, hunted and harassed. Their re-introduction to Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho in the mid-1990s was a major conservation accomplishment.

Now that achievement is at risk as officials in Idaho and Wyoming gear up to kill hundreds of wolves.

In February, officials in the Bush/Cheney Administration proposed removing gray wolves in the Northern Rockies from the Endangered Species List… and turning over management of wolves to Idaho and Wyoming -- two states more concerned with eliminating wolves than managing them.

Lawmakers and anti-wolf extremists in Idaho and Wyoming have already announced plans to kill hundreds of wolves, putting the gray wolf’s future in the American West at risk.

More than 111,000 Defenders supporters have already taken action. Please help us reach our 200,000 signature goal by May 9th.

Help save wolves.

There are just 8 days remaining in the public comment period on this awful proposal. Please take action now!

PLEASE visit The Defenders Org NOW!

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