Sunday, April 01, 2007



Dehydration is a serious loss of bodily fluids and can cause serious damage to the internal organs.

Dehydration doesn't only happen during the hot summer months, but, on warm days in a car, or even the cooler months if you park in the sun and leave the windows shut.

Sorry to bore those who are aware of this problem... but I am going to bang on about it again, and again! PLEASE spread this message as much as you can.

Every year you hear of some poor dogs dying in this unimaginably terrible way... I'm afraid I can't sympathise with those who cause this suffering, even if it does stay on their consciences.

But dehydration does not only occur when dogs get over-heated... it can also occur when a dog has illnesses associated with vomiting and diarrhoea. If a dog is dehydrated, the problem must be addressed immediately.

There is an extremely simple and elementary test to see if an animal is dehydrated. Try the test now, on your dog. It will give you some idea what is normal for your dog. Then you will have a comparison in mind if you are concerned and need to actually test to see if your dog is dehydrated.

It is a skin elasticity test... very simple to do. So, take a fold of your dog’s skin between your thumb and index finger. Gently pull that skin away from your dog. It won't hurt your dog.

When the skin is gently pinched up to make a small peak between your fingers, release the tension that you have on the skin. When your pet is fit and healthy, what you should see is... that the skin immediately returns back to its original position. There is elasticity there.

When dehydration is the problem, the skin doesn't quickly spring back to its original position. It remains as a peak, the may gradually return to its original position. This signifies a dehydration problem.

You might also notice that your dog’s eyes look sunken. And his or her gums could appear to be dry.

To test your dog's gums... press on the gums, with your finger, you will see them turn white by your finger. When you take your finger away the gums should rapidly become pink again. When your pet is dehydrated, the gums will be slow to return to the pink colour.

Fluid will be needed immediately. If your dog will drink, this a good sign... don't let him or her gulp down too much at once.

In cases of illness or severe dehydration, the dog won't take, or be interested in water. Veterinary intervention is needed immediately... as intravenous fluids will be required [and vital to recovery].

If you are able to 'read your dog' - to know when all isn't as it should be - then you will be able to know when an urgent trip to the vets is essential. So, take a few minutes NOW to do the above simple tests so that you will be fully conversant with what is 'normal' for your dog.

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