Saturday, March 31, 2007
Vinegar and Cider Vinegar for pet health
Get rid of [and prevent] fleas by adding cider vinegar to your pets drinking water. Start with a few drops and build up to a teaspoon in a bowlful for a small animal and a tablespoon in a bowlful for a large dog. Worth a try... surely better than putting a load of chemicals on your pet.
For a skin and coat conditioner after a bath use 1 part of cider vinegar to 3 parts of water as a final rinse. It works like a vinegar hair rinse, making the coat shiny, and is helpful in dealing with skin infections.
There are many vitamins and minerals and other nutrients available in cider vinegar... which are a bonus for your dogs health [and for our health too if we take it as a supplement in drinking water... if you want to sweeten it, use honey for an extra boost to your health].
Please make certain, when buying for internal consumption, to buy organic unfiltered and unpasteurised cider vinegar. It will look different to the ordinary cider vinegar in that there is a certain cloudiness to it and there will be a sediment on the bottom of the bottle.
All sorts of natural hints and tips can be found in Dog Skin Solutions. Why not have a look?
Labels: cider vinegar, coat conditioner, skin conditioner, skin infections
Friday, March 30, 2007
Dog Training |Kevin The Collie|Ailments, Allergies Dogs and Puppies
Lovely doggy website, do check it out!
Details of home-made dog food... useful when you think of the food recall scare!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
A woman claims she was choking on a piece of apple until her golden retriever gave her a canine version of the Heimlich maneuver, thus presumably saving her life. She believes the dog knew exactly what he was doing. Who knows?
Check out Dogliness for the full story!
Labels: choking, dog, Heimlick
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Pet food problem... learn what YOU need to know
Menu Foods has issued a large-scale recall of their "cuts and gravy"-style canned pet food, due to reports of renal failure in pets that consume this food. For a complete list of the brands affected, and more information, please check out the Menu Foods website.
I found the information at the following website, so to check for further details and other useful info just visit About dogs
[This is a current problem and more information has come to light within the last few days.]
I am adding this post to all my 'doggy' blogs in order that as many people as possible know of the problem.
Labels: pet food recall, pet foods scare, renal failure
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Please do your bit for animal rescue...
No flyball dogs post today, just a plea on all my blogs for you to visit the BUKEA Horoscopes page then go to the Animal Rescue graphic, then just below that there is an article I would love you to read. Then, if you haven't already clicked on the Animal Rescue site button for today, please do it.
We have been dealing with a rescue case recently which was most distressing... for both a little girl and the 5 year old dog... what I wouldn't like seeing done to the callous male in the case!
Labels: animal rescue, dog rescue, pet rescue, rescue
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Flyball dogs and spare energy. Tips and Warnings.
It is always beneficial if they have somewhere where they can be let 'loose' safely for a romp... and it is equally good to be able to go with other like-minded 'doggy' people and dogs... so that the dogs can all play together.
Please make safety your first consideration... vets bills can be steep for a moment of inattention... and this is without mentioning the attendant anguish.
Just a couple of tips or rather warnings here...
1) If you buy toys to keep your pet occupied, please make sure they are appropriate for your size and type of dog. If you have a very large breed, small balls - even medium sized ones - can become stuck in your dogs throat. If unsure of appropriateness for your pet... get professional advice.
2) Never, ever, ever, let your dog play with sticks. Some dogs chew them and get splinters of wood down their throats, some get larger pieces. Some pieces will get stuck in your dogs mouth, or throat, others will be swallowed and cause problems in your dogs stomach.
Ask a vet, AND research this fully.
It is a frequent problem in some veterinary practices... and vets have been known to have to do operations on poorly pets, only to find pieces of wood of up to 9" long in their stomachs.
Labels: balls, flyball dogs, spare energy, sticks, toys
Flyball dogs and spare energy. Tips and Warnings.
It is always beneficial if they have somewhere where they can be let 'loose' safely for a romp... and it is equally good to be able to go with other like-minded 'doggy' people and dogs... so that the dogs can all play together.
Please make safety your first consideration... vets bills can be steep for a moment of inattention... and this is without mentioning the attendant anguish.
Just a couple of tips or rather warnings here...
1) If you buy toys to keep your pet occupied, please make sure they are appropriate for your size and type of dog. If you have a very large breed small balls - even medium sized ones - can become stuck in your dogs throat. If unsure of appropriateness for your pet... get professional advice.
2) Never, ever, ever, let your dog play with sticks. Some dogs chew them and get splinters of wood down their throats, some get larger pieces. Some pieces will get stuck in your dogs mouth, or throat, others will be swallowed and cause problems in your dogs stomach. Ask a vet, research this fully. It is a frequent problem in some veterinary practices... and vets have been known to do operations on poorly pets only to find pieces of wood of up to 9" long in their stomachs.
Labels: health and safety tips, items stuck in throat, professional advice, sticks
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Feeding for flyball... plus Gastric Tortion (bloat) article
So, first the feeding information, then a copy of the Gastric Tortion article...
Feeding... always make sure you feed your dog the food type and amount which is appropriate for his or her age, type, size, and work load. Your breeder, flyball trainer, or vet will be able to help. When working, flyball dogs use tons of energy! Your flyball trainer should be able to advise on when to feed, both for when you are going to a practice sesson, and for actual competition days. See my advice below on regularity of feeding. Please, never feed scraps or titbits from the table.
Always make sure you and your family eat before your pets... this will help to show who are the 'top dogs'. Make sure you are able to approach your dog whilst it is eating, and are able to take its food away from him or her whilst they are eating... this is an ideal opportunity to add titbits to the dogs bowl when it is returned to your pet.
Well behaved pets shouldn't pester for food whilst you are eating, nor growl when people approach whilst it is eating itself... use the tips above to help stop these behaviours.
"Gastric tortion is, thankfully, not that common a problem. But then forewarned is forearmed, and the more people who understand the symptoms and causes, the more dogs can be saved by prompt action.
If your dog is fed at a level which eliminates the need for it to bend down to eat, then proper digestion and a comfortable eating posture for dogs [and cats too] can be maintained. Eating when they are bending over helps make dogs gulp their food. In the process, the dogs swallow more air. An elevated pet feeder helps ease the swallowing of food.
Swallowing an increased amount of air can result in a condition called gastric tortion or bloat. This happens most commonly in large breeds of dog, and is life-threatening. Some vets recommend elevated feeders for dogs susceptible to bloat.
Bloat is usually the result of eating too fast. The dog's stomach fills with gas or fluid, causing gastric dilation or gastric tortion. Always make sure your dog has a period of REST after a feed. Vigorous activity, running, jumping, etcetera, immediately after food, can cause the stomach to swell and rotate.
As well as feeding at the optimum height another tip, which should help avoid bloat, is feeding small meals instead of one large meal a day. Feed at least twice a day, up to four meals daily... just divide the amount for the day into the number of meals you choose to feed. We have found four small meals, spread out over the day, suits the delicate digestion of our rescue dog best.
Excess salivation and retching, abdominal distention, restlessnesss and agitation, weakness, lethargy, a rapid heart rate - are all symptoms of bloat. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms after eating, even mild ones, seek immediate vet care, day or night. Though bloat is usually associated with large deep-chested breeds, smaller dogs can also become victims.
You will find that feeding at a raised level will be more comfortable for arthritic or senior pets too. If eating is uncomfortable, some pets may be inclined to eat less and so may not fulfil all their necessary nutritional needs.
If you think a raised feeder may not be strong enough for your particular dog breed, just improvise, even put the feeder on an old chair, or make a wooden box and put 'retainers' round the sides.
You might find raised feeders suitable for your pet at one of our recommended pet stores... just use the links on the left-hand side of this page."
Labels: abdominal distortion, bloat, feeding problems, gastric tortion, lethargy
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Costs for flyball training?
My answer is... there is no definitive answer... because many factors have to be taken into account as well as the basic training costs. Get your pet well insured, make sure it travels in comfort... and safely. If sessions are held at a long distance from home packed meals and drinks for both you and your dog will save on the expense!
Another way to look at the expense is to consider the damage a bored dog can do!
To find out actual costs of registration and sessions I can only recommend two ideas...
1) Look at Dog Agility Training ... which has price guides for Agility, surely flyball costs should be vaguely similar!
2) Check our previous post [of the 2nd March] which includes links to National Flyball Associations, where you will find loads of useful information, including links to some clubs. Once you find a club which you want further information on, you can just click their link, see what info they provide, and contact them for any further infornmation you may require.
[You will also find links to National Kennel Clubs within the same post.]
One further word of warning... clubs only take on obedient dogs... so why not try one of our recommended training courses to brush up on obedience before you apply... see our left-hand margin. They are simply the best of the best!
Labels: basic training costs, flyball training, flyball training costs
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Flyball Dogs are energetic, fun loving dogs
Flyball is for dogs who are energetic and fun loving... lying on the sofa in luxurious idleness is not for them!
Dove Cresswells training may well help them, why not click the link on the left-hand margin, then listen and watch the FREE video... perhaps learning a few new tricks may occupy your flyball dogs mind?
Another idea which you could practice at home would be dancing/heelwork to music... to this end some of the 'tricks' from the video [mentioned in the previous paragraph] could be incorporated into your routine... who knows, you may have a dancing star in the making!
Monday, March 19, 2007
News and Information...
If you are looking for a club to join, check out our previous posts where you will find addresses to contact for details... and set the ball rolling.
Some dog health problems have been mentioned in our other doggy blogs... I will try to check them through and post details here too. For the present why not visit Dog Agility Training or Puppy Training Secrets and Secrets of Dog Training
Friday, March 16, 2007
Wanted... information on magnetic collars
We are just starting to use one for Loki, our Ridgeback... but I would love to hear other input on the subject. If it works, is successful and helpful, I shall begin to recommend the usage of one.
A trial and results from one dog is hardly a fair study though! And I don't want to be accused of being like many 'experts' who are guilty of using studies in the way described below...
I loved this quote from Dr. Andrew Shao "a pre-determined conclusion in search of a method to support it." It was used about a review of various studies on additive use [they only used those studies which supported their point of view] then came out with a review which claimed to prove their predetermined opinions.
Labels: magnetic collars
Thursday, March 15, 2007
How can YOU help animals today?
Heartless describes many of these people... and the cruelty some of these animals suffer is appaling, our rescue Ridgeback was a victim of cruelty from 4 months old.
Now with more and more family breakups some extremely sad cases exist which make you wonder at the state of 'human nature'... well some parts of it anyway.
Whilst some people have the money to waste to fight in court for custody of the dog... others are left as total paupers with young children to look after and not enough money to keep their beloved family pet.
So, how can you help animals... just do what you can, please!
I expect most of my readers will have heard of this already... but I wanted to just mention it, in case there is anyone out there who can help too, once they know how to!
If you want the answer to the query posed in our title 'How can YOU help animals?' Then there is a simple way, which won't cost you anything apart from a few seconds, in which you can help animals in need... just click the link to The Animal Rescue Site. Your daily click will help fund food for the increasing number of animals having to be looked after in rescue homes. If you decide to shop through the website too, that will give even more... they have a wonderful selection of items, many of which are individually made. So if you are looking for a gift which not only does good, but also, is different, individual and reasonably priced this could be the ideal place to look.
Having purchased many different items from them I know the value... there is clothing, jewellery, pottery, even fair trade food items... some items are available in the USA only, but many are available internationally. Give it a try... you might find the ideal gift for that person who has everything!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Flyball... plus! PLUS what?
The problems featured in the first show were:- a hyperactive dog. A dog who refused to have anyone anywhere near its mouth. The third dog had no official pedigree so was unable to attend the breed part of the show, but was 'renowned' for its addiction to food! Boredom can be a problem for some dogs. So the idea was for it to do dancing to music... and it performed brilliantly.
All three dogs showed remarkable progress and the owners were extremely happy with the difference in their dogs.
A small note... if your dog is hyperactive... first look at the food they are fed! [I'm sure that is the problem with most kids too... the food they eat and the junk they drink... but we won't get into that subject!]
The dancing/heelwork to music has been the real eye-opener at Crufts this time with the popularity vastly increasing... and when you can see what can be achieved in such a short amount of time, I'm sure it can only get bigger, and bigger. You basically need a dog which is food motivated... aren't they all?
Well there are a few exceptions, but with professional tuition there must be a way round this problem. Dogs who have done obedience or other disciplines like flyball or agility seem to perform better, so perhaps you could add this to your repertoire... or maybe you have a dog who isn't fast enough for flyball... maybe this could turn out to be his or her forte!
For more information on heelwork to music visit your national Kennel Club website... the UK site has an extremely interesting and informative article on 'heelwork to music' and there are also many useful links. It also stresses that if you want to progress in the 'sport' you should consider doing 'Obedience' FIRST. [Somewhere within our blogs you WILL find National Kennel Club addresses!]
[Remember to check out Victoria Stilwells book below to sort out ANY obedience problems you may have.] Another web address you may find interesting is Victoria ... here you will find an actual transcript of a webchat with Victoria Stilwell... amongst the interesting topics covered were... dogs jumping up, socialization, destructive behaviour, and recalling your dog.
If you are looking for informational videos and Mary Ray, try the following web address...Agility Net.
Now for a link to the brilliant book by Victoria Stilwell... armed with this book, you, too, could soon be performing miracles of training...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
What do YOU expect from a good pet store?
I am delighted with the two stores I am about the recommend! One based in the UK, which also supplies goods to Europe. The other based in the USA.
I will review each store separately, with the United Kingdom [and Europe] store first... NB: Both stores stock a good selection of books on dogs and training... just type books into their respective 'Search' facilities.
PetPlanet is a veritable Alladin's Cave of high quality supplies for your pet.
It stocks goods for Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Fish, Guinea Pigs and Hamsters and other small animals. But, not only does it stock an outstanding range of 'basics', it also has many extras, a Petplanet Clearance Department,
The selection is far superior to any other store I found online... I was particularly checking the stores out for good quality dog beds and found their selection fantastic.
Add to all this a particularly good Breed Profile section, and an Insurance section which gives you all the information you'll need to make an informed choice on which policy would best suit you and your pet, and a delivery promise you surely couldn't beat.
Check it out for first class service, and read their 'complaints' and 'return and refund' policy statements... see how committed they are to complete customer satisfaction. You could save a lot of time and money whilst also getting the best for your pet. - All Your Dog Needs In One Easy Online Shop is the USA store I'm recommending, a quote from their website states... "We believe that the customer is higher than the dollar, and it shows in our stellar customer service and everyday low prices." So you know that customer care is at the top of their agenda. was built up on the idea of delivering only top quality supplies at fantastic prices. Over 10,000 Dog Supply Products. Order Today for Huge Savings!
Yes, you did read that correctly! It did say over 10,000 DOG supply products at their store... they also cater for cats, and have separate websites for horses, birds, ferrets and fish!
Delivery is free for orders over $49 and their price protection promise is unbeatable... check it out at the store!
Add to this first-class service, a comprehensive selection of premium goods... everything your pets could need... and you have the ideal online shopping experience for both you, and your pet.
Labels: pet store, pet supplies, training books
Monday, March 12, 2007
Was the sheer excitement of flyball dogs there for all to see at Crufts?
The messageboard at the BBC's Crufts section reflected what I felt about the coverage for all the events, with the exception of some of the breed judging... why do they ignore the Ridgebacks? [Maybe because the 'experts' can't compete for character!]... the group judging, and of course the Best in Show.
Many felt there was far too much waffle, too much wasted time, and far too little time spent on Flyball and Agility. Even Discovering Dogs seemed to get less of a mention, whilst loads of unnecessary items from the shopping section were shown on air.
The all too short air time given to Flyball Dogs did show the real excitement of the sport... and now the BBC Radio Five Live team are off to the Cheltenham Festival [horse racing]... where this years winners come from.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Natural remedies are NOT just for people!
What attracted me to the Dog Skin Solutions book in the first place was the mention of oatmeal for doggy dandruff! I could relate to, and believe, that because I already knew about the use of oatmeal for skincare.
Do you know that oatmeal [placed in a bag] is often recommended for people with eczema? They are advised to use it in the bath, partly as a water softener. I was aware of this natural remedy, so using it for dog skin problems attracted my attention.
The Dog Skin Solutions book has even been recommended by vets. The book comes with a generous full two month guarantee. What is more it could save your pet days of distress, and at the same time it will save you loads of money!
Included are bonus books on 'Coat Shedding', 'Home Remedies', and 'How to Save a Fortune of Pet Supplies'.
Check Dog Skin Solutions out at this link... Click Here! Dog Skin Solutions... before your next expensive trip to the vets.
Obviously, there are times, as the website cautions, when it is vital to consult your vet. This book does not try to replace your vet in any way. And natural remedies cannot treat everything. You need a good working relationship with your vet to preclude serious medical problems for your pets.
Click Here! Dog Skin Solutions
Friday, March 02, 2007
Flyball clubs... where can I find my local club?
With Crufts in the offing, and extra coverage each successive year, more and more people tune in the TV to watch flyball, agility, obedience, and all the other fascinating extra items. Interest is such that quite often we lose interest in 'the main event'... once our favorite breed has been eliminated... and our fascination is held by the 'extras' far more than 'the main event'!
Questions I often hear are "where is my nearest flyball racing club?" or "where can I find out more about flyball?" or even "would my dog be able to do flyball?"
There are basically three options open to those who are looking for their nearest flyball club...
1. Check around your local dog walkers and doggy friends and see if any of them have any useful information.
2. Check out at your National Association of Flyball Clubs, they have loads of useful information... plus, they will offer assistance for those wishing to set up clubs in accordance with their rules. I have a list of three national associations... I'm sure at least one of them would assist those from other countries to locate their own national associations!
North American Association of Flyball Clubs
UK Association of Flyball Clubs
Australian Association of Flyball Clubs
3. Check at your National Kennel Club. Their websites are all arranged differently, but SOMEWHERE within each site you will find a list of clubs which are registered with them.
I am adding the list of National Kennel Clubs again here... for your convenience...
The Kennel Club, UK
The Kennel Club America
Australian Kennel Club
The Canadian Kennel Club
Irish Kennel Club
The Kennel Club Italy
Swedish Kennel Club
List of National Kennel Clubs... some of which are not included in the above links.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Flyball Dogs in America
Flyball In Regina
I was determined to get to Regina to see the flyball folks and participate in the tournament (and folks that know me well, you know I can be pretty butt-headed about something that I want). I knew I could make it there in 3 days if I really tried hard. I think the worst time was around 4pm every day when having someone to talk to (or maybe a 2nd driver!), would have been soooo nice. But I really did have a good trip and it was icing on the cake to get to spend the night in Edmonton with family.
Several folks asked me if flyball was the same "here" as at home. Yes, flyball is the same. The folks are friendly, the dogs are loving it and there is always someone ready to pitch in and lend a hand if you need it. And boy oh boy did I need it! I arrived with 4 dogs, their treats/tug toys and their harnesses. Any flyballer knows what is missing... a flyball box. Well, I didn't have room for it in the little RV. The folks on Good2Go were awesome. They lent me their box, a boxloader, 3 dog handlers, a pass caller and ball shagger for every one of DGF's six races on Sunday! It was so much fun and Sweep, Jade, Wyn and CurlySue had a great time. That is until CurlySue decided that this fulltime racing wasn't her cup-of-tea. So then we went FEO and still had fun. The biggest thank you has to go to Todd and Margaret, who so graciously invited me and the 4 dogs into their home for the 3 nights that I spent in Regina. My goals had been accomplished. Meet lots of folks in Regina, especially Bill Stovin and Donna Lewis from KAOS who had been super helpful when we were planning our trip and went out of their way to make us feel welcome, and secondly, to earn some points in Regina so it would show up on their doggy stats (heck, if you're going to drive all that way....). So here is a picture of the venue, the Regina folks will have to identify themselves ;-) The tournament was held in a curling rink, how I wish we had those in the southeast, it is just a perfect size for flyball!
Regina was a nice place to visit, I especially enjoyed my walk around Wascana (sp??) park on Monday afternoon with the dogs. The lake and all the hand planted trees (yes, really, just about everyone mentioned that) are beautiful! Thank you all again!
For more from the above travels... check out...
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